Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Famous Relations

So after doing some research, I found that the Hayman Family of Danforth, had an interesting journey to the area. I start seeing them all over Washington County, mostly in the Pembroke and Calais area. The Hayman's moved there from Nova Scotia in the 1800's and they moved to Nova Scotia from New Hampshire in the 1700's. Now I have traced them back to where they married into the Drake Family. What I have found is that in this Drake Family is none other than Captain Francis Drake. That is right. There is in fact pretty famous blood running through the vain's of the people of Danforth Maine. Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) is the Nephew of William Edward Drake (1518-1555) who is the 10th great grandfather of Levanche Hayman Mailman and John Hayman.